
Join Desejar Movement

On Friday 8 March, at 6pm, we’ll be meeting at Braga’s Municipal Market to discuss Desejar – Movement of Arts and Common Places, one of Braga 25’s projects.

This is the first public moment of this project, open to the citizens of Braga who wish to have a voice and an active role in this movement. The aim is to collectively build this project with the community, getting to know their interests and desires. It is from these assemblies, which will take place monthly until June 2025, that Desejar’s programme and creations will be decided.

Free entry / All ages

Desejar was born out of a search for answers and, consequently, actions to combat social apathy and low levels of citizen participation. Fragile participatory acts affect our ability to desire in the sense of imagining other worlds, other possible ways of relating, being and producing. It is in the space of the vital pulse, which is desire, that this movement aims to support itself. The main foundations of this project are artistic creation and experimentation, participation and communities, a horizontal relationship with nature and the exchange of knowledge.

In its first edition, which will culminate in June 2025, the aim is to promote experimentation and knowledge centred on contemporary artistic and cultural creation and production, based on the idea of art in common, sustainable, based on the sharing of resources in which human and more-than-human elements of an ecosystem are integrated.