gnration, blackbox

Gonçalo Almeida 
States of Restraint

sat 22 mar — 18:00

Créditos: Pedro Roque



9 euros

Over 6 years old

Gonçalo Almeida is well used to navigating the unlimited freedom of improvisation and living in the creative eruptions of the moment.

States of Restraint (2024) – which is like saying states of containment or restriction – sees the bassist setting off on a quest for unfamiliar territory. The new disc moves away from his more explosive side, following a path of meditation, control and slow combustion, in a delicate balance between the planned and the unexpected. Alongside him, Susana Santos Silva plays trumpet and Gustavo Costa plays percussion, fitting perfectly into the sonic geometries imagined by the bassist.

Gonçalo Almeida (double bass and composition), Gustavo Costa (percussion), Susana Santos Silva (trumpet)