This call aims to receive and select proposals for contemporary artistic programming projects to be developed and implemented in the context of Braga 25 – Portuguese Capital of Culture.


Seeking to support and contribute to the flourishing of a greater number of independent cultural initiatives in the city of Braga, this call will support projects that envisage a proposal for regular artistic programming in spaces in the municipality of Braga throughout the year 2025. Proposals to be developed in non-institutional spaces, such as cafés, bars, shops, galleries, ateliers, bookshops, among others, and spaces that are not of the above types but have the conditions to host events (private gardens, workshops, garages, warehouses, among others) will be valued.

The call has a total budget of €70,000 (seventy thousand euros). Between 7 (seven) and 14 (fourteen) projects will be selected, to which support of €5,000 (five thousand euros) or €10,000 (ten thousand euros) per proposal will be awarded.

Applications run from 19 June to 12 September 2024 and can be made here.

Who can take part?

All individuals or organisations that meet one of the following requirements:

They are responsible for the space that will host the artistic programme proposal to be presented under this call;

Cultural agents, artists, creators or collectives, born, resident or working in the municipality of Braga, who have a proven partnership with one or more venues to host the artistic programme proposal to be presented under this call.


The call runs from 19 June to 12 September 2024. The selected proposals must be implemented between February and November 2025.

How do I submit my proposal?

Projects must be submitted by the deadline by filling in the form available here.

Each applicant can submit more than one proposal, but only one project per participant can be selected.

Applications must be submitted in Portuguese. Projects written in another language will not be considered in the evaluation and selection of this call.

Artistic areas

Projects must be submitted in at least one of the following artistic areas:

  • Music
  • Visual arts
  • Literature
  • Speech and thought
  • Performing arts
  • Film and moving image

Projects can include new or existing creations, when they fit into the proposed artistic programme.

Proposals that cross disciplines and promote synergies and partnerships between artists, creators, collectives and/or venues are favoured.

Proposals that promote practices of physical, intellectual and financial accessibility, both to the projects and to the respective spaces, will be favoured.

Check out the regulations

To learn more about all the requirements for proposals, the evaluation process, values and conditions, consult the call for proposals regulations here.