Several spaces

Square – Mapping the Atlantic 
Several artists

29 jan — 1 feb



Pro Pass: 50 euros (sold out)

General Pass: 25 euros

Saturday Pass: 15 euros

Over 6 years old

Square – Mapping the Atlantic is a celebration of independent music from the four continents bathed by the Atlantic.

This mission is mirrored in a festival that spans Braga, Guimarães, Barcelos and Vila Nova de Famalicão, with a concert program that crosses local scenes, with bands such as Unsafe Space Garden and Quadra, national and international artists, for example, Asmâa Hamzaoui & Bnat Timbouktou, from Morocco, or Julián Mayorga, from Colombia.

Square offers a programme aimed at the general public and another for professionals, which will include Djô da Silva, artistic director of the Kriol Jazz Festival (Cape Verde), and Laura Diaz, lead singer of the Brazilian band Teto Preto.

Learn more at

The Square festival is part of the Braga 25 Portuguese Capital of Culture programme/ Curated by Lovers & Lollypops